A commitment to innovation and sustainability
Pendine, a local company that seamlessly merges creativity and training to redefine educational excellence.
A passion for connecting education 2 business
Our comprehensive suite of professional learning services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from sole traders to multinational companies.
Introduction to AirBnB
This multi day course is perfect for those either current renting holiday accommodation or things of starting a new business. Many existing holiday property owners have been left behind as traditional marketing methods no longer have the same reach and their digital skills are limited and are unable to navigate the current generation of digital platforms such as AirBnB. The barriers of access to digital platforms has become even more important as now most accommodation owners need to comply with the new 180 day occupancy rules.
CAD Design
This multi day course is perfect for those from Landscape Gardens to Care Home Managers or anyone who needs to plan the best use of space. Many existing non desk based vocational workers have been left behind as traditional paper based methods no longer suitable for collaboration and their digital skills are limited and are unable to navigate the current generation of digital software packages. Using Open Source software Sweet Home 3D Open Source software, learners will be able to install at their home or work at no extra cost.
Delivering 5/5/5 presentations with PowerPoint
This session covers not only the digital skills to manover Microsoft PowerPoint but also the delivery style of 5/5/5 in order to create an engaging and audience capturing presentation..
Delivering Pecha Kucha presentations with PowerPoint
This session covers not only the digital skills to manover Microsoft PowerPoint but also the delivery style of Pecha Kucha in order to create an engaging and audience capturing presentation style, based on slides that advance automatically every 20 seconds.
Project Management and Gantt Charts
This session covers not only the digital skills to create, monitor and update a gantt chart, but also the Numeracy skills to set, calculate and modify task and project durations.
Word Processing Skills for SMEs
This multi day session covers not only the digital skills to create documents for SMEs such as Menus of Service but also the costings behind menu items such ensure published prices are sustainable.
Accredited Learning
Our comprehensive suite of professional learning courses are all accredited by Agored Cymru.
“Pemdine Consultancy has saved us thousands of hours by improving efficiency through education and has unlocked potential we never thought possible.”
Anthony Sully
CEO, Stanco Displays
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